Meet David! He works in our Manufacturing Irrigation area and has been with us for over nine years, and counting. NatureSweet has contributed to his education by affording him the resources and preparation to become a professional. David is currently working on his degree in Engineering with a focus on Sustainable Agricultural Innovation and he’s over-the-moon and proud of this accomplishment. Go David, you reap what you sow!
People are saying
Thanks for growing such great tomatoes!
Love your tomatoes. Keep up the excellent work
Thanks for your work in producing such a delicious product, David. Congratulations on furthering your education and completing your degree! Best wishes from the U.S.
I love these grape tomatoes so much, I eat them like candy!
Hi David: you and your associates are doing a great job. These tomatoes are sweet and juicy. I add them to stews and salads and serve as a refreshing side to a sandwich. I wish you continued success and want to say thank you for a job well done. Take care. Pat Jasper.
My first time trying Nature's Sweet CHERUBS I absolutely love them 😁 So glad I stepped out and tried something new;) Congratulations on all your endeavors,;) Blessings on all you achieve..
Thank you for all you’re hard work. :)
I so appreciate the hard work you and all your coworkers do. I do like nature sweet tomatoes, intend to buy them most of the time. Good luck in your studies, and continued success at your job.
Thanks for growing such amazing grape tomatoes. They are a staple in our home.
Thank you for your hard work. I appreciate the care that you've shown while working to supply me and others with great tasting food.
Thank you for your hard work and dedication…Nature Sweet cherubs are the BEST and your efforts help make them that way. Congrats, too, on your academic pursuits! Way to go!!
David and all of you, associates: Thank you so very much for all the hard work! I wish you the best!
David and all of you, associates: Thank you so very much for all the hard work! I wish you the best!
David, thank you for your part in growing the best cherubs. Additionally, I wish you the very best in your academic pursuits and am proud to support NatureSweet because they support and develop their employees!
Thank you and your company Nature Sweet for introducing you to us the consumer. It's so nice to put a face and your story behind your wonderful tomatoes. Wishing you much success in your future with Nature Sweet.
Love these tomatoes… thank you David and congratulations!!
Thank you for the wonderful tomatoes. My wife and I use them all the time in our pasta dishes
Thank you Arnoldo Pizano for keeping things running. You are an important part of the team. Such good tomato's. Great shelf life. Thank you for helping bring them to my table. ~ Cindy
Wonderful tomatoes. Keep up the good work. We appreciate all your hard work.
Fantastic tomatoes, thanks David
Thank you for these delicious tomatoes. You do a great job.
Always perfect and delicious!
My daughter loves your tomatoes! Keep working hard on your education. Have a healthy, happy, prosperous new year!
Thank you for your beautiful tomatoes! Tonight they were in a salad! Wishing you the Merriest of seasons and good luck in your future! Sustainable should be everyone's priority!
We eat your tomatoes almost every nite on our salads . Delicious . Buena suerte con su escuela . Yo soy estudiar Espanol . Feliz Navidad !
Thank you David!
We made tomato risotto tonight. The best part were the NatureSweet Cherubs. So delicious. Thank you
Your dedication and commitment towards your work, family, and community are commendable. Good luck on your journey in engineering, and thank you for the product that you’ve helped provide.
Happy Holidays to you, your loved ones, and associates.
Thank you for your knowledge, skill, & hard work! Not only do we enjoy NatureSweet produce ourselves, we use the cherry tomatoes to enhance our pug’s food & snacks. Our entire family appreciates the fruits of your labor! Thank you again-
Thank you David as well as all the workers at Nature Sweet who put the food on our tables! We are very grateful! Merry Christmas!
Gracias/Thanks for bringing excellent products to our dinner table! 👏🏽
Keep up the great work!!
Thank you for the beautiful product and care. May you be blessed in your journey in the engineering field.
Thank you for all your hard work & dedication
Thanks for all the hard work and dedication! Delicious tomatoes! Even better knowing they came from hardworking hands!
Thanks for the wonderful cherry tomatoes 🍅!
David you’re the coolest! Keep up the great work.
Thank you NatureSweet for valuing your employees and sharing their experiences with us. Thank you David for your care and expertise in bringing delicious food to our tables!
Thank you for your hard work! Your efforts and love for what you do shows in the delicious tomatoes that I’m able to bring to my table and share with my family. :)
Thank you for valuing your employees and fostering their professional growth.
Thank you for all your hard work! It is greatly appreciated!
I love your story from my head tomatoes! Haha, get it!! Great work!!
Amazingly fresh tomatoes and clearly great marketing.
Thank you so much for all you and the other employees do each day to keep these delicious Cherubs on our table! They are so delicious! Best of luck on finishing up your degree!
You were on my container’s flap. What an amazing idea! Love these tomatoes. Perfect name. Nature’s Sweet. Have to start eating even before washing. Thank you for everything you do. They are always fresh, perfect tartness/sweetness combo and the toughness of the skin is perfect.
Thanks for your good work. Best wishes and good luck as you pursue your engineering degree. These (Cherubs) are the only grape tomatoes that I purchase...the BEST!
Hi David! I wanted to thank you for the great job you are doing with Nature Sweet Glorys. This is my 3rd package with your name and they have all been terrific! Thanks so much. You are appreciated!
Thank you for growing such nice tomatoes. Today my lunch is bacon, tomatoes, and naan bread at my desk. I wish I could send you a picture. They look as good as they taste.
I really enjoy your grape tomatoes thanks for the delicious veggies
My tomatoes were delicious! Thank you!
Thank you for the work you do!
My Cherry tomatoes are excellent due to the proper water that they received during the growing process. Thanks David for all you do!!
My guy! You’re pictures in my tomatoes! Awesome tomatoes! Juicy and delicious! Supreme work my friend!
Wow, David - what can we say but thank you! So nice to know these beautiful tomatoes are cared for by someone just as beautiful like you, respectfully. Keep up the good work and see you around!
Thank you for what you do! Congratulations on working toward your degree in Engineering with a focus on Sustainable Agricultural Innovation! We need people like you who care about the food we eat! So inspiring to see you working hard personally and professionally!
Que bueno. Me da gusto. So inspirational!
Thank you for all of you hard work, so consumers like myself can enjoy a quality product. I am thrilled that you are working toward your degree in engineering! I wish you the very best as you pursue your dreams!
Thank you David for these amazingly packaged delectable tomatoes. I enjoy them with my family of 7 and they all have one each for dinner. Scrumptious wouldnt be able to do it without you. Love you David stay safe!
Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication!!! Appreciate you!
Thanks for your work keeping these wonderful tomatoes irrigated! Best wishes for your future in agriculture. Feeding people is important work and you are appreciated.
Thank you, David, for all you do. I added two containers of sweet, flavorful Glorys to a roasted vegetable salad I took to a potluck. Raves, of course. Bravo for working on your degree.
Job well done David!😀 I love these little Cherubs. Keep up the good work you are doing.😀
Glad you're on the job. I sure do enjoy those tasty cherups.
Thankful for you bringing great food to our table!
Big shouts to my boy Dave for consistently makin’ it rain on those sweet little cherubs! You’re the man!! Good stuff.
Thank you David! I’d love some summer recipes to use your great sweet cocktail tomatoes. Today I’m making a cold wild rice salad, red onions, cherub tomatoes, basil, mint and lemon and oil. MmmmmmmmMmmmmm
Keep up the good work!
¡Felicidades David! por tu desarrollo profesional 🏆 y por el cultivo de estos jitomatitos deliciosos 🍅
Keep up the good work, David!
Thank you David for the work you do and the proud of the achievement of you continuing your education. Nice to know Nature Sweet assists with education.
Thanks David
Thank you for your hard work and great tomatoes 🍅!!
This is so cool. I've met several workers and enjoy each and every one. Thank you David.
Hi, David! It's great to make a personal connection with you and the company that provides the delicious, nutritious food we often take for granted! Thank you for all you do!
Hi! David, thanks for your hard work and for giving us the best produce for our families. This was soo cool to have a way to say thanks this way.
Thanks for sharing your story, in your own words. Wishing you success!
Thank you so much for all of your hard work. You make a difference and improve people’s lives.
Yo, the tomatoes are bomb thanks dog Very appreciated
Thank you David for committing to agriculture and going further to support the farm in reference to growing tomatoes and probably more in your line of work. This is a wonderful skill God blessed you with! Do not forget those skills whenever we have hard times, you will be a big part of the environment to help sustain Americans. Amen ! God bless you.
Hi David and all NatueSweet family! I just wanted to stay thank you for farming. I am so proud of all farmers and wanted to take this opportunity to send my love all the way from Alaska. Take care and be well.
Hi David! We saw your QR code on our tomato package and enjoyed hearing your story. We liked it so much we hung the QR code picture on our dorm’s refrigerator! Keep being awesome and taking good care of those tomatoes!
Great story, appreciate your pursuit of excellence. Delicious tomatoes. God bless you
This is for all employees: I just wanted to let you know I bought your tomatoes at Aldi. They are wonderful. I saw your sticker with Teresa Trinidad's name (janitor). This is a great website and as a previous business owner, I wanted to commend you on showing your appreciation to all employees. It definitely takes team work and I know you will be successful. When you appreciate your employees, they feel like family and will do their best! Best wishes to the business and your staff. Kudos to you!
I love this so much- nice to meet you! Thanks for all you do. And way to bring a personal touch to your product NatureSweet!
Dude, opened the Cherubs to make a salad, saw you on the QR code. Congratulations!
Hi David, I eat your excellent Chrerub tomatoes daily. Thank you for your hard work on the irrigation that makes these tomatoes so juicy and sweet. Congratulations on your Engineering degree and 9-years with Nature Sweet! Jim
Last night I roasted Cherubs on the grill. WOW what flavor!!! Thank you for your part in providing us with “raised right tomatoes”. I see that your headquarters are in Texas. I live in Minnesota and our Timberwolves basketball team is playing your Dallas Mavericks for the western championship. So far the Mavericks are the better team. So glad to meet you via the QR Scan. Keep up the good work!
Great story, David. Thanks for all you do!
Thank you all for being a team. We love your tomatoes!
Thank you for your work at Nature Sweet. You’re on today’s Cherubs purchase. Have you finished your degree? Wishing you the best future.
Congratulations on nearly completing your studies. Thank you for everything you do, and may your education provide you new opportunities and much success. Muchos gracias! :-)
My child took his first steps walking towards these tomatoes. Thank you David!😻
Thank you for including the connection to your workers in your packaging. It is a nice way to feel connected to those people who provide we consumers with our daily food. I think that it shows that your company is treating workers with dignity and I hope that is accurate.
What a great product and a great company, for you to be a part of. Thank you, and all the others there in the team for providing us with the best
NatureSweet Cherubs are my favorite snack! Thank you for overseeing their production. Congratulations, too, on your academic pursuits From Texas, wishing you the very best!
Thank you David. All your hard work and dedication is paying off! Pursuing your degree is such an important step to becoming a successful professional! Good luck in your endeavors
Hi David! I used to repair irrigation pipes. It's important work, hard work. Thanks for doing it, so I can eat NatureSweet's delicious Cherubs. And I wish you great success with your studies.
Your tomatoes taste like grape in a good way
Your tomatoes are dope!!
What a great way to connect people and the food they help to bring to our tables. Go David!
We love Nature Sweet brand tomatoes!! Good luck with your studies in Engineering
Thank you for the work you do to provide the tomatoes that I eat!
Hi David really cool video story, you and your team make the best tomatoes! 🍅 wishing you, your family and team all the very best! Amber
Keep up the good work David!! Awesome quality tomatoes!!
As a farmer, I am sending appreciation and encouragement for your efforts!!
Thanks for creating such a wonderful product! Anyone who serves in feeding people deserves a huge reward. You’re doing a great thing!
Hi David! Your tomatoes are all the way up here in the Appalachian mountains of Pennsylvania! My husband and son are also named David. Best wishes to you on your studies and blessings to you and your family!!!
Just finished a package of your NatureSweet Cherubs. I just love them on salads or just to eat like a snack! Keep up the good work! Have a great day!
David mucosa gracias armano! Love and Gratitude from Alamosa, Colorado ❤️🔥🙏🕊🤙🌾🌊🌏
Thanks for all you and your co-workers do! I appreciate it!
Keep the train going north David. Good luck in your studies. Love the tomatoes and eat them every day.
Good luck in your career! I thank you for your work in providing me and many, many others with delicious, nutritious food to eat! Feeding people is so important!
Great job! Good luck on the degree.
You got this!!! I only buy NatureSweet. Good Luck
Hello, David! Thank you so much for your hard work! I love Cherub tomatoes in salads, with bites of good cheese and sliced - yes, tiny slices - on sandwiches! Thumbs up to you at NatureSweet!
Best of luck in pursuing your education in an area so important to our world
Thanks for watering the tomatoes man, appreciate you
Excellent tomatoes with much more flavor than other brands ... thank you!
Congratulations on pursuing your degree! I love Nature Sweet tomatoes. Thank you and all of the teams involved in making such delicious gifts! Your hard work is appreciated.
So happy for you in your accomplishements! I appreciate your, and your colleagues', efforts in producing such great products. The Cherubs are my favorite!
David thanks for all your hard work so that we can enjoy these glory’s !! Happy 2024
Hi! Wonderful to meet you. What a great concept to learn about the employees. Best of luck to you😎
Hi David! Thank you so much for all that you do! It’s very impressive that you are working on your engineering degree. I am sure that you will do amazing things in the future! Wishing you the best of luck in your studies. Thank you for the tomatoes! 🍅🌿
David is fire, these tomatoes are fire, the irrigation is on point. Buy these tomatoes or be square! Also school is cool!
Tomatoes need your help! Farming has been in my family’s family for a long time, so we ALL thank you
So cool allowing purchasers a peek into the life and work of nature sweet. Go David!
Continue doing a great job at naturesweet and working on that degree. Thank you for your part in providing a great product that I enjoy every day of my life.
Twilights tomatoes are amazing. Thank you. From Anchorage Alaska, I get them at my local Fred Meyers, never even heard of these until the produce guy suggested them.
Just opened the most delicious batch of tomatoes, ever, thank you! Your hard work and dedication does not go unoticed. Wishing you future success as you continue with your education and career.
Thanks for your part in getting great-tasting tomatoes to us in northern Wisconsin in winter. You and your coworkers are so appreciated! Best wishes in all your endeavors.
Thanks David and best of luck
Thank you for the job that you do. We love these little red spheres of yummy-ness!!!
Simply the best tomatoes I've ever had. Thanks for the very consistent quality The Best
great job on those tomatoes man
Great tomatoes, David! And good luck with your degree!
Thank you for your hard work and perseverance. Our prayers and blessings are with you for lifelong success!! Go David David is the name I gave my son son David’s are special to me
Thank you for your contributions to such great tomatoes! I admire your hard work of going to school for a technical degree snd working at the same time. Keep it up!
I scan the code to watch everybody’s stories. my mom gets me some Sunday. I eat them in one day. and my dad had to get me one pack today because I love them.Keegan six years old.
I loved reading your story! Congratulations on your accomplishments & best of luck with your continued studies!
Thank you for your hard work and dedication and congratulations on your present and future success! Seems like a great place to work!
David, congratulations on your achievements at work and at university. I studied horticulture at university, and also worked many years in irrigation. Both have been a wonderful blessing to me, and I trust the Lord Jesus will bless you greatly as well. Keep up the good work! May I commend to you the Gospel of St. John for your enrichment this month. From Detroit, Michigan, USA
Wishing you success in your studies. Thank you for bringindelicious produce to our family dinner table!
I love these cherub tomatoes, they are my favorite out of any I have tried and always look for them at the store! Good luck with the Engineering field, it's a tough major so you should be very proud of yourself!!
Excellent product! Congratulations on great leadership and pursuing your degree! Thank you for a job well tasting ;)!!
Hi David, I love reading about you and your company. It sounds like you have some wonderful goals for your life. Great job! I pray you achieve all that you desire. Love your wonderful little tomatoes. Thanks for helping them on their way to my table.
Good job. These are fantastic. Best treat around for my granddaughter. Much better than candy. Keep rockin' that degree.
Thanks for all you do!
Hello from Nashville, TN Thanks for taking care of our tomatoes, David. Go get that engineering degree, you’re amazing!
Taste is great
Good luck in your educational pursuits and know that people across the globe are enjoying your great work each and every day ☺️
Wish you the best in obtaining your engineering degree!
To Mr. Guerrero and all the other employees featured in the videos the Nature Sweet co. Highlights. It gives me great pleasure to see and hear a small portion of the employees who work hard and are committed to providing an absolute top product. Nature Sweet I highly commend you in your efforts to highlight these valuable people and hope you continue to do the work to showcase the valuable people and products in which their hardworking hands and skills perform daily. My sincere gratitude to all of the employees and staff who came up with this amazing project. Job well done! So Grateful - Respectfully Jose L
Thank you so much!
Education and improving farming! Excellent. Glad to see someone moving forward. Great tomatoes as well.
Thank you for all your hard work. I really enjoy the produce. My wife buys me these tomatoes all the time. I love eating them just as a snack.
Thank you for all your hard work to provide these incredible tomatoes for us!
Hi David, I was having a hard day and then I opened the delicious tomatoes and saw your smiling face. I thought it very nice, you make the world better. Thank you!
These tomatoes are great for everything!
Good luck with all your endeavors, David!
Good luck with all your endeavors, David!
Lisa have nothing but full success awaking in your future. Congrats on aligning yourself with a company that has your back 100% and supports your dreams. I'm proud of you. What how you life will come into full life after reaping a full harvest(Graduation). Blessings to you are well deserved.
Keep up the strong work!
Thank you so much for your hard work. You are making a difference in every day distribution and getting this product to H-E-B stores and keeping the standards and where they should be. Thank you so much for your dedication.
Bro keep making them tomatoes they are literally fire🔥
BRAVO to you re u education and THANK YOU for all u do to produce such great produce!!!
I love your product.
Love the product and so impressed with your bio. Keep up the good work and thank you. You will go far.
Just a shout out to you David. I'm so proud of you pursuing your Degree and working for such a great Company. I not only stock your products but also purchase them based on the quality. No other products come close to what you offer ...
Thanks for your contribution in caring for these wonderful tomatoes. Good luck in all your pursuits. I appreciate you.
Wishing you success in your studies. Enjoy the Nature Sweet Constellation tomatoes.
These tomatoes are fire! 😍
Stay the course David.
Thank you for sharing your story! Happy for your success?’!
Thank you Mr. Guerrero for all your years of dedication to provide an amazing product. Keep the excellent work, Sir 👏🏽🥰
Hi David !! Keep going strong 💪🏼
Hi David, I love your enthusiasm and learning about the work you do! Best of luck in your educational pursuits and following your dreams. Your tomatoes were delicious.
Great job. I have an agriculture background also. I’m happy to see you happy and thriving.
David, congratulations on your success!
I love that NatureSweet has allowed its consumers to get to know your staff as well as speak freely. David G., thank you for all your hard work, your dedication and commitment to your field of expertise. It is without doubt that you are responsible for the quality we put into our bodies. Again, thank you!
Thanks for the tomatoes. They are amazing !!!
Thanks for all that you do to provide us with this food. Wishing you all the best
Thank you for your hard work in bringing quality food products to the public! Also, great job on furthering your education! Your degree will be both a benefit and asset in your future career!
The tomatoes taste awsome. I'm 8 year old and love eating them. I have been eating them for 5 years. Great job and good luck with school.
Thank you all you do to help produce and offer a superior product. Cherubs are the only tomatoes I ever buy! I wish you and your family all the best.
Hi David. Thank you for all of your hard work. Congrats on furthering your education and striving to maintain some level of sustainability for our environment and caring about our future. Keep up the good work and God bless!!
Hola David, I enjoyed watching your NatureSweet video. I enjoy eating the NatureSweet tomatos at my home in California. Thank you for sharing your story. I now feel closer to the process of where the tomatos come from. Keep up your studies. Buena Suerte in all you do!
David. I love tomatoes. They are my favorite. Thanks for making them so delicious.
Great to see your dedication
I like to take your little tomatoes along with me as a snack when I'm working as a driver.
Great to read this. Stay with the education opportunities and I appreciate your hard work.
Hi David, thank you for all your hard work. I have been buying these tomatoes for many years, and I always look at the name of the associate on the label. This is the first time I watched the video. I really appreciate the work that you do to put good food on my table. 😊
They are the best tomatoes! Great job
Thank you 😊 I’m a diabetic and I need all the sweetness the whole can give me ! Best late at night
Thanks for quality and freshness, and all of the hard work that you and your crew does!
You guys are doing an awesome job!!
My grand kids and I love your guys tomatoes. Everytime I come home from the grocery store they dig through the bags looking for them. Keep up the great work!
My daughter loves your tomatoes. Take good care of them!
Que’ tal David, Nice to meet you! Love your tomatoes! Watched your video and am impressed with you and your hard work. Keep studying and get your engineering degree!
Thank You for your hard work, and wishing you only success in all that you do.. Your Cherubs tomatoes are a staple at our house-their quality can’t be beat!
Keep up the good work. Best tomatoes ever
You're tomatoes delicious, thank you, Shari and Nora
Be proud! Everyone there has created a great product. Keep up the good work!
We definitely need more people in the agricultural engineering world. To learn how to deal with global warming and feeding everyone. Glad you're pursuing this career path
Thanks for helping make such a wonderful addition to our meals
Loved hearing about your educational accomplishments. Thank you for your commitment to feeding us nutritional food.
Hey bro, love the cherry tomatoes! Keep up the good work
Good luck in your studies! Love the tomatoes.
What is surprised to see you inside my tomato container! Thank you for your continued work with NatureSweet. Cheers to continuing education as well. I love that the company is featuring people who work there!
Hi David, I found you in the bottom of my tomato's package ! Thank you for your hard work and congratulations on working on engineering degree! My family is in engineering as well! Thank you for sweet tomatoes, love them! Regards, Anastasia
Good job man keep staying up and such a wonderful motivating vibe to see somone coming up with good energy !!!
Congratulations David on your journey towards a degree in Engineering with focus on sustainable agriculture innovation! We need more sustainability in the world today! Appreciate your role in the great tomatoes I enjoyed. Saw the label when I went to discard it and something told me me to check it out. Glad I did. Good to meet the folks who grow the wonderful foods we enjoy! Thanks and Best wishes!!
David nice to meet you! Whatever you’re doing is WORKING! Tasty store bought ‘maters. Tonight you gave me tomatoes & I roasted them added fresh garlic at the end, with some Feta, Pasta & fresh Basil! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!
I saw your face inside my label as I threw the label in the trash. The face kept following me in the kitchen. I had to pick the label out the trash can. Glad I did. Keep up the good work David and follow your dream. LORETTA from Texas
Thank you for your hard work! I am thankful to you and all ag workers around the globe who provide food for the rest of us. Keep working on your degree what an accomplishment!!
My wife and I don't know you but both of us are proud of you for what you do and your work ethics. Keep up the good work and keep going for that degree in engineering. You won't regret it.
Never noticed the QR code previously and think it’s brilliant! Thank you!
David, Keep up the good attitude and work ethic. We appreciate you and Nature Sweet. Jack and Joan
Hi! What a great story! You look so happy! I live in New Jersey & actually planted one of your tomatoes & grew a few plants. Were good but no where near as sweet & flavorful! Continued success & thank you!
Thank you, David! I appreciate you!!
Thank you for your hard work
I never noticed the QR code before- how cool is that? I dig it. Best of luck to you and thank you for all that do. Good, clean, healthy food is a such a privilege.
Hi David, my family and I appreciate the work you do to bring us an excellent product. We are glad you are taking advantage of the opportunity to get more education and best of luck in your studies! Thank you, Lisa
The tomatoes are so delicious!!
Hi David, I appreciate the work you do to bring us an excellent product. I’m glad you are taking advantage of the opportunity to get more education. Kate
Way to go David! Thanks for sharing your story with us. Best wishes for a happy future, Liza New York
Hello just want to thank you and all of your associates for all that you do. HAPPY NEW YEAR
Hello & Thank you for all you do! Wishing you health & happiness for the new year!!
Gracias!! Thank you for your e dedictated work to bring good produce to our table. Wishing you all the best in your educational goals David, San Francisco, Ca
You're so good at your job, I love your tomatoes. And I hope we meet sometime!
We love your tomatoes! I also want to pursue engineering; you’re such an inspiration to me!!!
I just viewed the interview with you and I congratulate you on your degree. I wish you all the best. I am impressed!
Love the tomatoes! Thank you for doing a great job to make them taste so good!
Hello Your tomato's were great and made a great sauce with feta. I hope you have amazing holiday. Feliz Navi da
Hola! I used to work in irrigation and water production. What you do is important! Thanks for these little tomatoes, they are muy saboroso! Keep working hard and you will go far. Lee
Thank you for your hard work and all you do so that we may enjoy these delicious tomatoes! I love the qr code scan idea.
We watched your message on YouTube. Every day when we sit down to dinner we pray for people who bring food to our table, people like you! Thank you and God bless.
Thanks for all your hard work.. Best tomatoes on the market! Have a great day Rita
You’re doing a real bang up job David. Keep up the good work! 🙌🏻
Great job, David! Keep up the good work and congratulations on your accomplishments!
These are the best tomatoes I have ever eaten that compare perfectly to a homegrown tomato in flavor and texture. Thank you to all who work for nature sweet you do a fabulous job and I personally appreciate every one of you.
Great job Dave, am the irrigation guy at my house and it's sure a lot of work to keep it running with out leaking . I think I've changed everything out at least 2 times. I don't buy that orbit stuff anymore so that helps. Keep up all the hard work love your tomatoes thanks
Go David, I too Completed my engineering degree while working. When completed it’s a wonderful accomplishment that enhances your entire life. Keep up the good work and thanks for posting your message and contact information.
Thank you for sharing you story with us consumers. This gives me a a deeper appreciation for your company and the amazing cherubs tomatoes I buy often! Continue striving for your goals and thank you for your dedication. I would have typed this in Spanish but my English is better. True example of a Latino shooting for the stars while giving your all to Natures Sweet! I wish you the very best! Because of you, I am now lifelong customer!
Gracias por su atención y el trabajo que has hecho con NatureSweet. Le mandamos saludos desde California!
Thank u David for making sure we always have delicious sweet Cherubs here in freezing Nebraska! Consider going to South Dakota School of Mines where my brother is an engineering professor.
Hi David! Just watched your video and wanted to say GRACIAS for all of your hard work and producing such a wonderful product! We will be praying for you as you finish your engineering degree. Praying God’s abundant grace and blessing over you and your family!
The combination of greens yellows and red and green mixes are fantastic! They were a great mix into my Italian pasta salad! Thank you!!
David my tomatoes were great in my pasta sauce and salad thanks for all your hard work
My daughter and I laughed so hard as we read the absolutely delightful disc that covered our tomato package. I don't know who is responsible for such clever packaging but we love it! "Peel here to lettuce out" and "please don't refrigerate it's too cold in there" made us roar! Almost as much as we love the delicious tomatoes. What is so wonderful is how sweet they get as they ripen more. These are some of best salad tomatoes ever! Thanks for the work you all do! We appreciate you.
Thank you for the work you do! Good luck with your continuing education. You make America great!
Good job and all the best on achieving your degree.
Hi David, I thought it was cool to learn about you! Keep up the work on your degree! I’m in Milwaukee and appreciate the fresh vegetables in the middle of winter here!
Hello David my name is Kelly and I live in Woburn Massachusetts.. I'm just getting ready to make a gorgeous healthy salad and I grabbed my wonderfully sweet Cherub tomatoes out of the refrigerator and when I did the top popped off on to the floor and low and behold there is your adorable face. Lol. I didn't realize that Nature Sweet did this, I'm taking it as a sign from the universe telling me I need to let YOU know I appreciate what you do and that You are a very special person and I Thank You very much and my Belly thanks you. I love these tomatoes! A very satisfied customer. Kelly
David you can be extremely proud of what you have done with your life through NatureSweet! Walk tall and keep those little tomatoes watered and tasting delicious! Thank you! Stacey
I love companies who invest in more than their profits. I am grateful that you are able to take what they have to offer and grow in your education, job experience, and spirit. Congratulations
Thank you for your dedication and hard work. Congratulations on seeking your degree. I worked my entire life in grocery stores. Many of those years in the Produce department. It is refreshing to hear from the people helping to produce the products I enjoy today. Many of my friends are from Mexico and I appreciate the same values. God bless you and your family. Jerry
Te felicito y te deseo mucho éxito en tus estudios
I just wanted to reach out and say thank you. First off, I love the packages on the Cherubs and how it feels personal. It’s always exciting to scan the QR code and see different stories. I wish you the best of luck on finishing your engineering degree and enjoyed reading a little more about yourself on here! Best of luck on your future endeavors David!
Always great to get a salad at home with a big ol bunch of cherubs!
I saw your “Meet Me” on the label of the pack of Constellation tomatoes and decided to send a thank you. Just wanted to thank you (and your team) for your contribution to a fine tomato product. I enjoy the Constellation and the Cherubs. As a tomato enthusiast, i think NatureSweet is doing great. I had written off grape-style tomatoes, but the NatureSweet products have turned me around on that. I hope you have a great day!
Thanks for the work that you do. Good luck on your education for Sustainable Agriculture. Nature provides ways to sustainably grow without all of the artificiality of chemicals and genetic modifications. Have a blessed life!
David, Congratulations on your studies!!! You are an inspiration to many...keep up the good work as God Bless you!! Heidi B
Thank you for the tasty tomatoes & congrats on your educational accomishments. The tomatoes, plants & humanity need advocates & smart advisors.
Hello David 👋 I hope everything is working out for you. Im very happy that you are pursuing a career in agriculture. I truly belive these is how poeple will improve in the future and ensuring safety for others. I give a huge kudos to you and to the company for this dynamic of recognizing employees. Keep it up man.
Wonderful success story for you and NatureSweet. Thanks for hard work. I love the way your company offers opportunity to grow both personally and professionally. Maravillosa historia de éxito para usted y NatureSweet. Gracias por el trabajo duro. Me encanta la forma en que su empresa ofrece la oportunidad de crecer tanto personal como profesionalmente.
Hi my name is Aiden age:13 and I want to know how you grow your tomatoes
Thanks for they great tomatoes
We’re eating salad tonight with Nature Sweet tomatoes. Your picture was on the packaging. It was nice to read about you and your career and education path! Congrats on nine+ years at Nature Sweet and good luck on your degree! We love these tomatoes! Wishing you all the best!
I think it’s great to feature the employees at the company and put a face to the food that is grown. I love this variety of tomatoes. It’s nice to see the company investing in David with his degree and showing their appreciation for him and others. Very cool!
Hello david! Thanks so much for knowing how to grow tomatoes and being so good at it. Every summer i give it a shot and there have not always been great harvests. Lol! I sure am glad i can find cherubs in the grocery! You’re the best! K
I love these and appreciate the care you take in preparing and packing them bruise free. Thanks you for your good work. It is noticed! :-)
Keep up the good work. It is appreciated!!
Thank you for your hard work! Good luck on your education!
Thank you for the work you do- we enjoy Nature Sweet Cherubs almost daily. Thanks for sharing your story (first time I noticed the QR code on the package). Wishing you all the best in engineering and sustainability field!
These tomatoes are delicious!! Thank you, David!!
Thank you for keeping up the great work. It’s good to know that there are people like you dedicated to making sure I can get quality produce in my grocery store. Thank you again and I wish you continued success! ~Jeff
Hello David, I only buy Nature Sweet tomatoes now, they are the best quality. I look at the person’s photo under the top, I have Googled them. I think it is a wonderful company you work for. They are supportive of their employees and encourage growth in their lives. I am a teacher. I think it is excellent that you are going to be an engineer. Your family must be so proud of you. 👍🏼 I am proud of you. 👏🏼 I wish you all the best with your future degree and career. 🤍
Sending you a big thank you for helping Nature Sweet produce the best tomatoes! Your Cherubs are consistently delicious and we live them here in Pennsylvania! Gracias!
Dear David, Congratulations on graduating with your engineering degree. Thank you for your work in bringing beautiful tomatoes to my home. I love NatureSweet tomatoes! Thank you also for bringing to your work a philosophy that goes beyond simply doing work to get a paycheck. I can tell from your interview that you see the bigger picture of work, community, helping others, and making a difference. Gracias!
My cherub tomato package was perfect. Such a fun addition to the tag to add a QR code with a story about each employee.
Congratulations David ! Your dedication and hard work has proven to be successful. You’re a power of example for others. No doubt you’ll accomplish good things for future farming and generations.
I watched your video. I am impressed by your drive. Great little surprise under th lid of my cherubs.
Hello, Great work. Love your Cherubs!
David: Congratulations on your great work at NatureSweet and educational achievements . I hope you help the world with sustainability knowledge! Good luck! -Marriott
Happy to see you enjoy working for Naturesweet and that you are guttering your education. I really enjoy your sweet and tasty cherubs! The name cherub really fits the “heavenly” taste they give my salads! Keep up the good work.
Thank you for your dedication to agriculture and CONGRATULATIONS on getting that education!!! You are very much appreciated even here in Missouri
So great that Naturesweet highlights their employees! Great hearing your message David and continued success. Your education will open many doors and will benefit both you and your family!
Congratulations on continuing your education. I think it's great Nature Sweet is helping you and honoring its employees by creating QR code links to your information.
Picked your organic cherub tomatoes up at Aldi. Just wanted to say that they were some of the best I've had in a while. I'll search for them again
Congratulations on your success and may God continue to guide and bless you, your career and your family!
I enjoyed your story, David. Good for you for getting your college degree. As a female, my parents would not pay for college, so I put myself through. So remember, when the going gets tough (as it always does), the tough get going. You can do it, and congratulations for all of your accomplishments, in and outside of Nature Sweet!
Senor Guerrero -- It pleases me to know that my purchases of NatureSweet tomato cherubs are contributing to developing skills and education among the company's staff members. Best of luck to you in completing your degree. Your success will make your company, family, and nation stronger. God bless you in your efforts. Lo siento -- no puedo hablar (o escribar) espanol. C Colorado, USA
Thanks David for your part in the production of the cherubs I buy. Great job in pursuing your education!
David, way to go with your education! Enjoyed the cherubs in our breakfast sandwiches!!!
Gracias por compartir tu historia. Es agradable ver las muchas sonrisas de las personas que producen nuestra comida. Nunca tenemos estos oportunidades. Muchas felicidades en su futuro.
Good job David! Keep going! May God bless you and your family!
Hola David, gracias por el trabajo que haces para llevar a clientes como yo los maravillosos tomates Nature Sweet. Me encantan las ensaladas y los Querubines son siempre frescos y deliciosos. Buena suerte con tu educación y gracias por el trabajo que haces.
Thank you for being part of a wonderful product. Flavor and quality are #1! Well done, Wjg
Su empresa hace un buen trabajo cultivando y comercializando sus tomates cherry y estoy seguro de que sus esfuerzos ayudan a que eso sea posible. Buena suerte en todos tus proyectos futuros.
How cool to see a bit about such a great product. Thank you for your dedication and best of luck in your career!
We appreciate you!
I Love your cherub tomatoes and the fact that you give credit to your employees. This is the first time i send feedback. These are defintely my favorite and only tomtoesthat i purchase!