10 minutes
Preparation time
Course Type: Healthy Options, Salads, Gluten Free Dishes, Vegetarian Dishes, Vegan Dishes, Diabetes-Friendly Dishes, Heart Healthy Dishes, Keto-friendly Dishes, Tomatoes, Peppers, Cucumbers,

Mini Sweet Pepper Salad

Featuring NatureSweet® Mini Sweet Peppers, NatureSweet® Baby Cucumbers, and Cherubs®, this salad is super crisp and flavorful! 

This recipe contains:
Mini Sweet Peppers
Baby Cucumbers
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10 minutes
Preparation time
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1/4 cup lime juice
1 teaspoon mustard
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
salt and pepper
1/2 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons cilantro
2 cups NatureSweet® Mini Sweet Peppers
2 NatureSweet® Baby Cucumbers
1 cup Cherubs®
1/4 cup red onion


In a bowl, combine lime juice, mustard, red wine vinegar, salt, and pepper. Using a fork or whisk, mix thoroughly. Once dissolved, add olive oil little by little, whisking to incorporate fully. Add cilantro and mix thoroughly. Set aside.
On a chopping board, cut NatureSweet® Mini Sweet Peppers into thin slices. Remove and discard stem and seeds. Trim top and bottom off NatureSweet® Baby Cucumbers and cut into thin slices. Lastly, cut Cherubs® in half. Set aside.
In a bowl, combine sliced NatureSweet® Mini Sweet Peppers, sliced NatureSweet® Baby Cucumbers, halved Cherubs®, thinly sliced red onion, and vinaigrette. Be careful not to overmix. Set aside.
Serve on a salad bowl and pair with your favorite drink.
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