35 minutes
Preparation time
Course Type: Healthy Options, Vegetarian Dishes, Entrees, Tomatoes, Bowls,

Cherubs® Chia Grain Bowl

Start off your new year by adding this delicious bowl to your dinner rotation

This recipe contains:
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35 minutes
Preparation time
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1 10-oz. container NatureSweet® Cherubs® tomatoes, halved
3 cups butternut squash, diced
2 tbsp. olive oil, divided
Salt and pepper to taste
2 cups water
1 cup quinoa
8 cups chopped kale
2 cups matchstick carrots
1 can chickpeas, drained
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1 tbsp. chia seeds
Your favorite vinaigrette dressing


Preheat oven to 350°F. Place the diced butternut squash onto a sheet pan, and drizzle with 1 tbsp. of olive oil. Sprinkle on some salt and pepper, and bake for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, bring 2 cups of water to a boil in a saucepan. Add the quinoa, cover pan and turn down the heat to low. Simmer the quinoa until fully cooked, about 15 minutes.
In a skillet, add the remaining tablespoon of olive oil, toss in the kale and heat on low until the kale turns a bright green.
To plate, place a quarter of the squash against the side of a shallow bowl. Then place a quarter of the quinoa, kale, carrots, chickpeas and tomatoes in the bowl. Sprinkle with sunflower and chia seeds. Repeat with the remaining ingredients in three more bowls, and finish with a drizzle of your favorite vinaigrette dressing.

Serves: 4
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